Government Agency – What You Need To Know

Interacting with the government is not as difficult as you might have come to think. While you might not be able to speak with the Governor herself with one phone call or email, you do have access to many government agencies that can provide useful services to you, your family, and your community. When discussing the government agency system it is important to distinguish between local, state, and national agencies. If you were to look at a catalog of government agencies, you would find that there are agencies that exist to serve almost every human need.

What Is A Government Agency?

A government agency is an organization within the broader government that is responsible for certain functioning. Most government agencies exist to execute the law. That means that once the government passes a law, often times an agency will then carry out that law. An example would be the agency known as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. After the Wall Street crash of 2008, this agency was tasked with implementing new regulations passed by Congress to help protect the American people and their finances. This is an example of a federal government agency.

Government Agencies At The State And Local Level

There are also agencies that serve the public at the state level, and even at the local level. A local government agency you have probably heard of is Parks & Recreation. Parks & Recreation agencies exist to provide spaces in the community for people to relax, enjoy nice weather, and even take classes. They can host summer camps for kids, painting classes for adults, or computer classes for the elderly. As you can see, this form of agency exists to make life better for people in the local area.

The other government agency type that is most relevant is state-run agencies. One agency that many people are familiar with, whether they like it or not, is the state unemployment agencies. These agencies exist to support people who have lost their jobs due to a poor economy. Each of the 50 states in the United States has their own unemployment agency. There are of course other agencies that are relevant at the state level, such as natural resources departments, departments of motor vehicles, and more. These are state agencies because each state has different laws relating to unemployment, natural resources, the motor vehicle record, or anything else the legislature believes is important for the public good.

Summing It Up

Government agencies of all types exist to serve the public. You have likely received the support of one or more government agencies at some point in your life. As long as you participate in the actions of your community, you will be interacting with government agencies. While some government agencies have a bad reputation, many of them serve the community and are necessary to assist people in need in your community.

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